The Question
When a surprise visitor arrives with a question, what follows is a big and deep journey through space and time. This is a story about Everything.
I completed The Question at the commencement of 2022.
Listeners’ feedback…
An exquisite message of love for our times
What a gift! What an amazing, creative, vulnerable, powerful, delightful, insightful, inspiring, delicious, brilliant, radiant Soul Expression you have put out into the World, inviting us forward, to open, to be inspired…WOW, WOW, WOW, and thank you for this creation.
…amazing, tantalizing, insightful and inspirational…Filled me with compassion, hope, joy and strength…
As I travelled through your story with you…. I could see, feel, hear, taste, smell it all. So relatable and such a powerful message. Magnificent and touching beyond words.
The weaving of the love we all are with your knowing of self-love touched my heart so deeply. For me you were able to make that connection of both a unique journey with the all-encompassing us, or better stated perhaps the oneness of the whole.
Note: ‘The Question’ comprises nine chapters and the total duration of the audio is 42 minutes.
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